You are hereKarl's missing teeth present: Rad Double Feature Movie Night Benefit!
Karl's missing teeth present: Rad Double Feature Movie Night Benefit!
TONIGHT! There's gonna be a movie benefit down at The Vortex on Manor to help Karl buy some new front teeth. You can read the full details on the facebook event page or just keep reading for the dirt:

Our friend Karl wrecked his bike and he needs new teeth which as you might imagine are very expensive.
So we're hosting this awesome movie night to raise a little cash for him.
There's a cool theater at the Vortex and there's a bar so you can totally get drunk and watch THE PROTECTOR starring the incomparable Tony Jaa and/or THEY LIVE starring the irrepressible Rowdy Roddy Piper!
We'll have some sweet bike videos and junk during intermission.Tickets will be super-cheap--$3 for one flick, or $5 for both.
We'll start THE PROTECTOR around 7:30 and THEY LIVE around 9:45.
There's plenty of room, so spread the word!
Hey guys,
In one of the most egregious instances of unprofessionalism and flakiness I've ever witnessed, the girl running the Vortex has double booked the theater.
Sadly, this means we will not be able to show our movies in said theater.
We will still carry on with the benefit and screen the films outside.
Unfortunately I don't know how many seats will be available, so you might be sitting on the ground. If you have access to lawn chairs or comfy blankets, please bring them.
Also (and this is off the record), the Vortex, having completely fucked us over on this, does not deserve to make a bunch of money off of your drink sales. So I encourage you to bring whatever flasks you can carry discretely on your person without getting caught.
This will definitely be a fun time. See you there.
Like they say, the party is going to be OUTSIDE so bring a blanket or some chairs, and don't forget to sneak in that flask. $3 for one feature, $5 for both. Try to match that price at a theater!