You are hereKXAN Story about bikes left on the busses
KXAN Story about bikes left on the busses
KXAN did a story last night about how bicycles are piling up at Capital Metro's lost-and-found department:
Their policy is to hold on to the bike for 10 days and then donate it to a charity. I know my biking friends and a lot of them are closer to their bikes than they are to their loved ones. I can't imagine any of them FORGETTING a bike. In fact, the story mentions this point verbatim:
"If I'm really tired, I'll put my bike on the bus," said Soo. "It saves me a lot of energy." However, Soo is surprised to learn riders would leave their bicycles on the bus. "I wouldn't just forget about it," said Soo. "Having a bike is at least $100 to $200."
That got me thinking, how many of these bikes are stolen? I can't imagine someone forgetting a bike that's rightfully theirs, but I could see some drunk grabbing a bike to ride to the closest bus stop, hopping on the bus, going home, and totally forgetting the stolen bike. The reason I mention it is that if any of you have had your bikes stolen, it might not hurt to call up Capital Metro's lost-and-found department and see what happens. Their number is (512) 389-7454 and they hold for 10 days, so get on it.