You are hereCity's brand spanking new "Bike Corral" gets some notice!
City's brand spanking new "Bike Corral" gets some notice!
Last week I was cruising downtown towards grub and Queerbomb and I as I hauled ass down Red River I noticed this sight right in front of Beerland:

Image stolen from Austin Chronicle
That's right folks, a brand new BIKE CORRAL! I didn't mention anything on here because I'm a lazy bastard who doesn't write no more (if you want to read someone who DOES write, check this site out), but the Austin Chronicle did mention it late last night, and from the sound of things the LOBV, City of Austin Bike Program, Public Works, Austin Transportation Department and the local businesses (Red Eye Fly, Beerland and Elysium) were all on board and when EVERYBODY wants shit to happen, apparently shit happens.
Very cool ya'll! Nest time I want to listen to shitty rockabilly, shitty industrial or shitty butt rock, I know where to park my bike. ;)
But seriously though, great job City of Austin, LOBV, local businesses and anyone else involved in either this specific project or the LOBV's recent Bike Parking Initiative.