You are hereAustin Maker Faire 2008
Austin Maker Faire 2008
Maker Faire, the ULTIMATE DIY fair and exhibition showcase is coming up in less than 2 weeks. Along side your standard robot builders, weavers, growers, inventors, mad scientists and all the other usual suspects will be the Austin Bike Zoo, amazing crowds with their ingeneous bicycle animals, people movers, cargo bikes, mobile billboards, and many other amazing inventions to shock and astound even the most jaded cyclist. Check this out if you want to know what they're about:

Unfortunately this event isn't FREE, but for $25 per day (cheap ticket deadline is past) you get to see all manner of madness including warring robots, lots and lots and lots of locally made food to sample, a life-sized game of mousetrap, a HUGE diet coke and mentos fountain, and much, much more.
Remember that Saturday is the Tour de Fat, so if you're only gonna make it out for one day, why not do the Tour Saturday and Maker Faire on Sunday? BAM! Awesome weekend, already planned out for you. You can thank me later. With beer.