You are hereMellow Johnny's presents: UPHILL PARKING GARAGE TEAM TIME TRIAL! Kill yourself for glory!

Mellow Johnny's presents: UPHILL PARKING GARAGE TEAM TIME TRIAL! Kill yourself for glory!

By Jason - Posted on 28 June 2011

By Jason - Posted on 28 June 2011

07/02/2011 - 5:30pm

The local messengers and the fine folks at Mellow Johnny's are hosting a REEEEEEEEALLY killer-sounding team time-trial event this weekend, and I wanted to make sure everybody knew about it. It's $30 per team, but a team = 3-4 folks so that works out to less than ten bucks a person. DO IT, or just show up to watch and party:

Uphill TTT @ 6pm

Tour Watch Party @ 7pm

Join the Austin messengers as we join with Mellow Johnny's to throw a Tour inspired uphill team time trial. Blaze to the top of the podium and then celebrate with a Tour watch party at Mellow Johnny's with free food and beer. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RACE TO ATTEND TOUR WATCH PARTY!

Race and party benefit the North American Cycle Courier Championships the Austin messengers will host in October.

Registration opens 5:30 at race site: 1610 San Jacinto Parking Garage Q

Race at 6PM
Teams of 3-4
$30 per team
pre-reg email

Prizes top top 3 fastest teams
Most Creative Team Concept awarded

Tour watch party at Mellow Johnny's starts at 7. Suggested $5 for non race participants.

Thank you to our sponsors:
Mellow Johnny's
New Belgium
Beat the Clock Bike Messengers
Holland Racing

This event is a benefit for the upcoming 2001 North American Cycle Courier Championships which are happening here in the ATX this year. Bring bucks and give big!

Aside away from your experienced collection of soccer jerseys, these on the net stores also provide ivory coast drogba jersey for neighborhood teams.
This is kaka real madrid jersey of higher school, college, or college soccer clubs supplied to include some spectacle too, to these novice leagues.
For all those looking for to purchase lampard jersey for their college or local community teams, there are also customizable kinds they are able to purchase online.
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考えすぎたことにより、どれだけの時間を無駄にしてきたか??? 私は約1年ほど無駄にしてしまいました。 それは「成功したい」という願望よりも?失敗したくない」という気持ちが強く、いろんな情報を眺めているだけで、何もしなかったからに他なりません。 見ているだけだから余計に悩んでしまうんですよね。 分かってはいるんですが、お金のかかる事なので中々動けずにいました。 これをお読み頂いている方の中にも、同じ経験をされた方は多いのではないでしょうか? 傍観しているだけでは何も始まらない!! 物事の本質を、眺めているだけで見極めることができる人間なんていないですよね。 そこで、あなたの商材や情報選びへの簡単なヒントを書いてみます。 無料のものをどんどん試す!! 以上です。 これならリスクなしで簡単に始められるでしょう? 無料のものを始めて、ある程度の判断材料ができたときに、セールス内容とどう違うかを比べてみるのです。 あなたの想像以上かもしれませんし、以下かもしれません。 ただし、試すとはいえ、あなたの大切なお仕事なのですから、真剣にやる必要はありますよ! あなたが、「これは良い情報がタダで手に入った、ラッキー?」「セールス通りの結果が出て良かったぁ!」 と思えたなら、それを扱っている会社や個人は、他にも良い情報や商品を持っている可能性がかなり高くなります。 今後に期待も持てるし、あなたのビジネスプランにも希望が見え始めることでしょう。 さてさて、あなたが  「来年こそは成功したいから、何とか今年中に準備を整えておきたい」 のであれば、 「ヴァイラルアーティクル」 これを始めてみましょう。  これ、いいです。 すごくいいです。 何より無料です。 成果がみられるまでに一月もかかりません。 そんな呑気なものではありません。 この件に関しましては、私以外にも多くのかたがアーティクル(記事)を書いておられますので、一度ご覧下さい。 見ているだけのあなたに手を差し伸べてくれる人はいません。 しかし、動くあなたを助けてくれる人や情報はたくさんあります。 そろそろ傍観するのを止めませんか?          囲炉裏庵?情報かわら版?  2011 Man Kisumu(Black Charcoal)   アーティクルリソース: MBTシューズ   MBTチャパChapa メンズMBT ダークグレー GORE-TEX
SEOの本質を間違って解釈するとビジネスにおいて大きな失敗を犯しかねない。 SEOとは、「検索エンジン最適化」という意味ですが検索エンジン最適化とは機械に最適化するという間違った解釈をしている人が非常に多いように思えます。 検索エンジン最適化の本質とは、検索エンジンが本来求めている情報を提供するという事に他ならない。つまり、キーワード検索する人に対して良質で価値ある情報リソースを提供する事が最優先されるという事です。 昨今では、SEOやグーグルアドセンスの支援策として様々なツールがリリースされているようです。それは、とても喜ばしい事であると思いますが本質を忘れてはいけないと思います。 機械に作業させるべき事と人間が手をかけるべき事の役割分担を間違ってはいけないという事です。 ウェブページを大量に作成するツールや機械的に文章を増加させるツールなど、今やSEOの常套手段として持てはやされているようです。 しかし 機械的に自動作成、自動増幅させた文章がSEO的に有効に働くのは、せいぜいあと1年くらいであると私は考えます。 最先端技術を甘く見てはいけないという事実を証明します。東芝の2006年最新技術情報をご覧下さい。 MBTシニ(Sini)【デニム】メンズMBTシューズ 以下最も重要な点を上記URLから引用します。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 当センターでは,以前よりオントロジーの整理に取り組んでおり,現在,約10万概念を有する日本語オントロジーと,日本語を含むオントロジーを高速に検索し,操作するためのライブラリの開発を進めています。 中略? ユビdeコミミハサンダーとは,携帯電話のカメラで商品のバーコードをスキャンすると,インターネットから商品のメタデータを取得し,関連するブログ*1を収集し,その商品の口コミ情報をリアルタイムでユーザに提示するものです。例えば,ユーザがある本のバーコードをピッとスキャンすると,JANまたはISBNのバーコードから,本のタイトルや出版社,著者といった情報を取得し,関連するブログを収集します。 次に,オントロジーを参照しながらブログの中身を解析し,ユーザの評判情報を提示します。(ポジティブ?ネガティブ判定機能)同時に,他の関連商品で話題となっているものを提示します。(ホットトピック抽出機能)そして,最後に有用と思われるブログをいくつか表示します。(ソート&フィルタリング機能) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 上記の技術をかいつまんで説明するとオントロジー(以下アーティクル参照)によって情報提供技術が飛躍的に向上する事を示唆しています。 MBTスポーツⅡ【ホワイト】メンズMBTシューズ 例えば、ある商品についてのクチコミ情報を調べようとした時にその商品名からメタデーターを抽出しウェブページ、ブログなどから良質なクチコミ情報を抽出していきます。ブログの記事、トラックバックやコメントの相関関係その他情報からポジティブ?ネガティブ判定機能などを実現させています。 これらの技術が本格的に導入されるのは時間の問題だと思います。 つまり、 人が人の為に提供した情報こそが真の価値ある良質なソースであり 機械の為に最適化した一時的な策略が全くと言っていいほど意味を成さなくなる日は 決して遠くは無いという事です。 英語圏にも、使い方を間違うと非常に危険でグレーなツールが沢山存在します。 複数の他の人が書いたブログに対してコメントやトラックバックを自動的に発動するツールシュリンカーと呼ばれる文章改ざん自動増幅ツールスパム判定ギリギリの網の目を掻い潜るようなバックリンク(被リンク)ジェネレーターなどなど これらのツール全てがグレーで使い物にならない分けではありません。 しかし、その多くはインタネットマーケターが売り逃げする事を前提に作られたその場限りの商品が大半を占めるという事実も見逃してはいけないと私は考えます。 2006年2月の時点で全世界には静的ウェブページだけでも120億ページが存在すると推定されています。次世代の情報検索に強く求めれれるのは、的確に良質な情報だけを抽出するという技術です。 文章量もウェブページ数も質より量が全てであると煽っているのは、専門的知識を持った技術者では無く一部の限られたインターネットマーケターでは無いかと思います。 悪戯に増加させたウェブページや文章の多くがサーチエンジンインデックスから簡単に排除されるようになる事は間違いありません。 =================================== Global Swing マーケティングツールアドバイザー JunSuzuki ===================================   アーティクルリソース:  

If you are about to become a mom, you are aware of the clothing challenges that you will face throughout your pregnancy. Each trimester has its own unique challenges and most women outgrow their clothes within the first 3 months. Shopping for an entirely new wardrobe that you are only going to use for 9 months can be expensive and frustrating. As you are shopping for maternity clothes, consider shopping for used clothing and used maternity clothing as an affordable option.Your first though about used maternity clothes may be that they will be old or in poor condition. However, millions of women have the same fashion challenge when they are pregnant and donate or sell their used maternity clothes following their child's birth. With the maternity clothes of women around the world being offered online, you have the opportunity to find gently used maternity clothes at excellent prices.When you start shopping for used maternity clothes, consider starting online. As you shop online, you don't have to run around town in your car looking through used clothing stores. Shopping online provides two primary options: online auction sites and online consignment shops. Online auction sites allow you to bid on used clothing that Sellers around the world have listed for sale. The clothing is shipped to the highest bidder when the auction closes.Online consignment shops sell clothing directly to the Buyer for a specific price, and the item is typically shipped to you from the Seller directly. Both of these online type shops will offer clothing in a variety of conditions, sizes and brands. You will be able to find maternity jeans, shirts, pants, suits, dresses, coats and skirts when using this type of shopping method.When you are shopping for used maternity clothes, take into consideration the sizes that you will require. Go bigger than you think, as you will outgrow your clothes quickly. Also, you don't need to stick with just maternity clothing. You can select any type clothing that is in a larger size than you would normally wear. Look for t-shirts, workout pants that are stretchy, and shirts that are in larger size that are not maternity clothes to compliment some of the basic maternity clothes that you would need such as jeans or pants.Be sure to read the online descriptions to get an understanding of the quality, condition and size before making a purchase. You should also read the Seller's recent feedback to determine the credibility of the Seller's descriptions. Always consider the cost of shipping as part of your total price when purchasing your item online. Be sure to also use a reputable site with a secure payment system when making your purchases. Make a list of each purchase and check it to make sure that you receive all of your items over the next several weeks. If not, contact the site and the Seller to receive an update on your order status.Looking through used clothing and used maternity clothing is a great, affordable option to fill up your closet during those 9 months. Save the clothes if you are planning on having another child or simply re-sell them to another pregnant buyer in need using the internet. Damen Billy Rainbow

Strength and softness. Comfort and durability. Style and luxury. Relaxation and grace. Natural fit and contour. Ease and endurance. All of these come together in Naot shoes and sandals. Naot offers an astonishing collection of comfortable and fashionable styles ranging from elegant sandals to sporty Mary Janes. Most styles feature a shock absorbing yet supportive cork insole. The insoles will naturally conform to the unique shape of your feet and the suede top layer adds a soft, natural feel. In some styles, this footbed is removable and replaceable to ensure your shoes or sandals last as long as possible. Many Naot shoes can be resoled to increase their longevity. Naot shoes are offered in European sizes and although they do not offer different widths, there are width variations between styles to help you find the perfect fit. Each shoe is designed to fit either a narrow to medium width, medium width or medium to wide width. With such a broad range of styles you are sure to find the perfect shoe in the width that is right for you. Naot is dedicated to customer service and you can rest assured that they will stand behind each and every shoe they make. Naot offers an astonishing collection of comfortable and fashionable styles ranging from elegant sandals to sporty Mary Janes. Most styles feature a shock absorbing yet supportive cork insole. The insoles will naturally conform to the unique shape of your feet and the suede top layer adds a soft, natural feel. In some styles, this footbed is removable and replaceable to ensure your shoes or sandals last as long as possible. Many Naot shoes can be resoled to increase their longevity. Shoe Store, Women's shoes, Men's shoes, comfort shoes, shoe store offers a wide selection of Shoes, Boots and Sandals from Dansko, Naot, Earth, Clarks, UGG Australia and more Men Vibram Five Finger Bikila Shoes Light Blue Brown Yellow Men Vibram Five Finger Bikila Shoes Black Orange Grey ? Men Vibram Five Finger Sprint Shoes Light Blue White
There are a lot of benefits of using internet as the means for online shopping for purchasing wholesale shoes. The advantages comprise of: There exist many websites where you can conduct online shopping for shoe wholesalers. Each and every kind of shoes is obtainable in these websites.Even though it might betime taking, you can get the needed product at an reasonablecharge. However do not put out of your mindfor finding out thelegality authenticity of the website ahead ofgoing on to purchase. You can see lots of variedvarieties of shoes at thevia online sites that areaccessible in a wider array. You could obtain information on these shoes from the site itself for example the price, kind and so on. You can watch the photographs of shoes and order the precise product. Effortlessly you can discover specialty shoes at the via online if you can do the required negotiating.Like you coulddiscover ballet shoes which can be found out at particular locationsonlymore over they are very expensive. At shoe wholesalers of the internet, these shoes are available at an reasonableprice. Lots of people have said that they discovered shoes which they have been searching some time and cannot locate anywhere else. Moreover you do not have to be anxiouson the elevatedratescommonlyconnected with theseinimitable shoe varieties since you are preparing topurchase them at a wholesale via online store. You might beamazedto locate that at many of these websites, the costs of the commodities are below the average cost enabling you to buybestitems at aaffordableprice. You don't have to be a computer proficient for doing the shopping with the help of thevia online. The accessibility of variedvarieties of shoes at thevia onlineshop is as the internet is an international superstore. These websites have access to nearly all varieties of shoes consisting of those which are rarelyobserved in shops. Though, be cautiousregardingthe possible scams associated with internet shopping and enjoy an excellent shopping experience from the comfortof your home and without having to spend much cash. About Author I have great interest in wholesale business such as wholesale jewelry, wholesale cell phones, wholesale watches,wholesale shoes???wholesale fashion products, wholesale beauty goods, and wholesale christmas supplies,wholesale Women Vibram Five Finger Sprint Shoes Red Yellow . I am glad to share experiences of china wholesale with you. This article is free for republishing Published at

Hollister clothing can offer a great priced line of clothes for the younger market. Hollister appeals mostly to the younger crowds of the high school and young adult market. The Hollister clothing appeal is delivered primarily through clever slogans and marketing trends. Catchy slogans and provocative slogans are the pillar of Hillister designs, in any given mall. Hollister heavily emphasizes the atmosphere of their storefronts, developing each into a full fledged production design environment.Hollister clothing retail environments are typically elaborate setups involving narrow spaces, loud music, and complex lighting. Hollister typically focuses on generating a chic atmosphere for shoppers. When shopping at a Hollister clothing outlet, the best deals are normally found near the back of the store. Products up front usually command higher prices.Buying off season is the best way to shop smartly. Off season items near the back are the best deals. Despite some lower quality items in the back, a lot of great deals are also present there. The most expensive items are going to be pieces that are rolling out for the current season.Shopping continually out of season is a great way to save considerable amounts of money. When the appropriate season rolls around, you will have all the clothes you need, and further opportunities to buy for the next season. Doing this and avoiding the front rows of a Hollister clothing outlet are the best way to save considerable amounts of money on clothes.A Hollister clothing outlet typically commands lower prices than a Gap or Express. On the other hand, Hollister clothing is certainly more expensive than outlets like Old Navy or any standard department chain store. The trade off is worth it for many consumers, as Hollister offers a distinctive flavor of style with their items. Again, shopping off season and looking thoroughly through the store are both great ways to reduce the price of the best Hollister clothing fashions. A rave clothing store specializes in supplying the rave scene with clothes that fit into the fast paced night life. Although only loosely associated with it, stores such as Hot Topic and Spencer's Gifts are probably the closest equivalent to a rave clothing store to be commonly found in malls across America. The rave clothing store market usually markets to the younger generation, looking for clever shirts that challenge accepted norms. A rave clothing store typically offers clothes that are comfortable in a rave scene.The pants sold at a rave clothing store are usually baggier, full of pockets and chains, that are better for dancing over long periods of time at night comfortably. Some websites, like, have a catalog full of clothing typically found at a rave clothing store. Baggier pants, frequently called UFO pants, are very popular in the rave scene. Stores like Hot Topic can typically offer a great selection of UFO pants. Hot Topic offers a fairly wide selection of raver pants, shirts, and other accessories. This clothing does not come cheaply. UFO pants alone can cost as much as eighty or one hundred dollars.Although brick and mortar rave clothing stores are not too common, finding them online is much easier. Rave clothing online comes in a wide variety of styles and fashions. To make a statement with rave clothing, simply go online and do a simple search for a rave clothing store. Many online outfits sell a variety of UFO pants and shirts that make a statement. Accessories like glowsticks can be also be found online for decent prices.Hot Topic and Spencer's Gifts are easily found at most malls, and have a wide selection of raver items. Online stores can reveal a wide selection of rave clothing products. Ordering raver clothing online can make some serious savings possible. A rave clothing store can be much harder to find in a mall.Rave clothing, such as UFO pants, come in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles. Finding the right product out of a limited section, such as at Hot Topic, might be difficult. Online stores offer a much wider selection of products. True Religion Women Becky Natural Super T Dusty Skies

ennis shoes have gone from being footwear for kids to become one of the most popular types of shoes worn today. The people who design this fancy footwear have become in demand stars in their own right. With fans from every avenue of popular culture, from Hip Hop music to extreme sports. Everyone wears sneakers from moms to gamers to busy corporate executives. The first sports footwear MBT Chapa Coffee Shoes For Women were actually called croquet footwear because they were worn by the wealthy of the late 1800s to play the popular lawn game they got their name from. The first croquet footwear were much too expensive for the average person to afford. As technology and sports advanced so did athletic footwear. The manufacturers of today no longer make shoes for playing sports as an offshoot of their primary business. The sneakers are the primary business. Billions are made each year from sneaker sales. The more mainstream designs come from teams of college educated fashion designers, researchers and engineers who spend hundreds of man hours testing and tweaking their products. MBT Moja Black Shoes For Women Sneaker design is big business. And big money for the designer or team of designers that creates a great new product. Todays sports footwear wearers are business leaders, politicians, artists, entertainers, educators and religious leaders. Walk into any grade school, high school, college, university or trade school and you will see the majority of the students wearing sneakers. It is not uncommon to see doctors and nurses walking the halls of hospitals wearing scrubs and sneakers purely for the comfort factor. Tennis shoes were once relatively inexpensive and many still are. But having become very popular they can cost a great deal of money. The research that goes into the higher end pairs can be extensive. The athletic shoe industry employs scientists, doctors, podiatrist, athletes and many others to continually improve their products. The competition is fierce but the rewards are great. The ease of use and comfort sneakers provide the wearer make them popular with every generation. The young, old and everyone in between wear tennis shoes. The rubber soles do not slip on wet sidewalks and the soft durable uppers help ease foot pain. Each year sneaker companies introduce new styles in a myriad looks, colors, textures, weights and heights. Sales are not waning, but increasing. In some cases endorsement deals for athletes are more lucrative than actually playing their sport. A big chunk of this revenue comes from doing sneaker commercials. Satisfied consumers have made tennis shoes a worldwide staple. Another key is public tastes. Once a particular pair becomes popular among the masses, sales increase. Word of mouth, better known as street credibility is a vital part of the athletic shoe phenomenon. Marketers understand how to manipulate the cool factor. Not all footwear are created equal and no amount of marketing can guarantee the success of an inferior product. The manufacturers of tennis shoes have elevated the success of their products through the intelligent use of science and marketing. MBT Tunisha Black Shoes For Women

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