You are hereCDBC Presents: Bike-the-fuck-in movie!!! Joe Kid (yeah THAT Joe Kid) on a STINGRAY!!!
CDBC Presents: Bike-the-fuck-in movie!!! Joe Kid (yeah THAT Joe Kid) on a STINGRAY!!!

Ok, here's the Deal...
We) like RIding Bikes -all kinds, shapes & sizes.
We) Do NOT ride like assholes - If you are in need we will help you, but, if you act like an asshole...You're on your own.
We) Will have more fun than you are allowed to.
With that being Said...HEY YOU GUYS!!!Starting At Spliff Mt. On Saturday July 23rd@8PM
We) will meet, greet & mufuckin' Noni Boloni will give you a lesson on the Street!
WE) meet @8PM at Spliff Mt. (If you don't know you betta axe somebody)
We) will be riding thru South Austin on a route so SICK you'll ask yourself if you should stop by CVS to pick up some Vitamin C.
Route) Ends at Tsunami Cycles on South Congress For a FREE Bike-in' Movie!!!***We will be Screening***
"JOE KID ON A STINGRAY" - The History of BMX!!!This Is about a 12.something mi Route, & Everyone Should BRING YOUR OWN MOTHERFUCKIN' SHIT! *Seriously, If you're showing up empty handed, chances are, you are either underage or a totally fuckin' scumbug who doesn't understand how the world works & doesn't understand that Cash Rules Everthing Around Me C.R.E.A.M. Get the money. Dolllar, Dollar Bill Y'ALL.
I hope to see a lot of yous guys out. Shotgun On Butthole!
(dictated but not read)[Here's the Route You Rat Bastards]
[Joe Kid on a Stingray Trailer]
8pm this Saturday at Circle Spot/Spliff Mountain/Candy Mountain/Doug Sahm Hill/blahblahblah you know the fuckin' spot. I want to quote Chris quoting Wu because this is awesome:
"Everyone Should BRING YOUR OWN MOTHERFUCKIN' SHIT! *Seriously, If you're showing up empty handed, chances are, you are either underage or a totally fuckin' scumbug who doesn't understand how the world works & doesn't understand that Cash Rules Everthing Around Me C.R.E.A.M. Get the money. Dolllar, Dollar Bill Y'ALL."
YES. This is advice for life you scumbags.
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