You are hereBicycle Procession of the Spirits

Bicycle Procession of the Spirits

By Jason - Posted on 21 October 2008

By Jason - Posted on 21 October 2008

10/31/2008 - 7:00pm

Sachi, one of the badass members of the Austin Bike Zoo just let me know about the following event happening on the 31st, aka Halloween night:

Halloween Bicycle Procession featuring music by PONG rolling the neighborhood on the Austin Bike Zoo's pedal powered stage, the Rattlesnake bike, other bike zoo animals dressed for the occasion, various bicycle floats by a variety of eclectic artists, all of you in your favorite costume on your favorite ride, come one, come all to celebrate the night when all of the spirits party in the streets! Adventure awaits you!

Meet at 7pm at the gates to the Oakwood Cemetery (between 14th and MLK on Comal) to roam the streets with all of your favorite spirits! We will end at the Scoot Inn neighborhood around 8:30pm and the winds will take you where they may.

Oakwood Cemetery at 7pm is the place to be if you want to ride with these kids. Who knows, maybe a ghost bike or two will accompany the crew. Stranger things have happened in Austin!

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