You are hereBike Porn - Coming to the Broken Neck this Saturday!
Bike Porn - Coming to the Broken Neck this Saturday!
11/01/2008 - 9:00pm
Because two simultaneous events wasn't enough for one All Saints' Day evening, Bike Porn is rolling through town and presenting their showcase of hot hot hot bike smut at The Broken Neck (4701 Red Bluff Rd.) The festivities kick off at 9pm this Saturday (November 1st). Click the pic to see a trailer (safe for work depends on where you work):

Hottest flyer ever? You be the judge...

Awesome, I can't wait! Is this free?? Because that would be three of my favorite things!
I know the producers are making money somehow so either they or the venue is probably charging. I'm getting the information very last-minute but y'all will find out as soon as I do.