You are hereVOTE! NOW!


By Jason - Posted on 04 November 2008

By Jason - Posted on 04 November 2008

Ok kiddos, that day has come, so get out there and do your civic duty. I'm not gonna tell you who to vote for, since IMHO both candidates are sorely lacking and if this is the best we can come up to represent us to the world then we truly deserve to go the way of every empire before us save the Chinese. Hell with deserve, if this is the best we can come up with we should feel COMPELLED to dismantle this fragmented and fractious union of ours. Unfortunately instead we'll probably just sit on our couches, watch TV, surf the web, and wallow alongside the rest of the complacent sheep until the camel's back finally breaks under the weight of our slovenly, Twinkies and fast-food infused corpses.

Yeah, I'm a real beam of sunshine when it comes to politics, I know. To cheer you back up here's a video of last Friday's Critical Mass ride, brought to you by Jose, the guy responsible for the new Critical Mass Austin Flickr group, which already has over 100 photos added to it. He even did some editing, added a musical score and everything! On with the show:

Seriously though, ignore my pessimism and go vote. If you don't, don't tell me, I will think less of you.

Until you buy me a beer, then I won't mind.

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