You are hereNewsbarf on the BMX front
Newsbarf on the BMX front
Real quick before I scoot to work, but HEY BMXERS! Hey North Austin! Look who's back! That's right kiddos, as of the 7th Capital City BMX is back up and running at their new location. Dirt track BMX racing starts up again on the 16th, that's this Sunday! Get out your fast bike, your full face mask, and your snappy Dyno pants, because in less than 72 hours this shit goes off! Capital City BMX been around these parts for 30 years supporting the local BMX racing scene in one form or another, so chances are if you ride a 20" you already know about them. If not, why not swing out there this Sunday and see what's up! They're up around 620 and 183 this iteration, so they had plenty of room to go nuts on their track. Check this out:

P.S. For a REAL good time, scroll down to the bottom of this page. Saturday they're doing a BMX double-feature at Alamo Lake Creek that includes RAD! Hells yeah.