You are hereTwo blogs, one new, one undead.
Two blogs, one new, one undead.
What exciting times we live in for an info junkie. Between real news, fake news, the internets with its' plethora of blogs and all those other less savory sources, a person could spend their entire life reading about things and not ever have to bother actually doing them...
to make this even easier for the stay-at-home biker, there are two new, exciting blogs that have made themselves known in a big way. First up, those wacky ATXFixed kids have started up their very own ATXFixed Blog, subtitled "Fat kids on fixed gears". My kinda site! They haven't been around too long yet, but they've already made with the pictures and are busy at work filling their blog with content of the fixed-gear and alleycat racing variety, as well as hosting events like their (Fabulous) Fixed Friday race from a couple weeks ago:

Just by the name you know what the focus is, so if your wheels spin independently of the pedals, or your bike makes some strange "clicking" noises while going up hills that isn't just your bottom bracket groaning under the torque of your HUEG LIEK XBOX gear ratio, then this site may not be your cup of tea. Still, spend a few minutes investigating it anyway, maybe it'll give you a better view into an aspect of cycling you don't know much about. Or maybe you'll just scratch your head in bemusement over why so many youngsters would want to wear tight jeans and v-necks while riding goofy looking color coordinated bicycles with one weird wheel, doing slow tricks on flat ground and drinking massive quantities of cheap beer. Either way, I'm pretty sure you'll be entertained, I know I have been. Check it:
Next up is a site that's been around for a little longer, wedged into the mix of Michael Bluejay's massive local bike resource megalith. I'm telling you, this site has everything and now they've got a decent blog going again. Though it had laid dormant for several months, decaying from the neglect (database errors are AWESOME), Rob D'Amico has taken up the flag once again and began regular posting as of a few days ago. I anticipate this blog being more focused on politics and local city policy issues than on the lastest alleycat or underground bike bash, so I expect it to compliment the aforementioned site (as well as my own) nicely. I know I'm looking forward to seeing what he's got to say about things, Rob is good people, if you want to keep tabs on his thoughts regarding the local cycling situation here's where to go:
Damn, I just looked at the time and I need to book it. Hasta y'all!