You are hereUrban Roadie Ride #3 - get that blood pumping!
Urban Roadie Ride #3 - get that blood pumping!
12/18/2008 - 7:00pm
Daniel's gonna be hosting yet another fast-paced urban group ride this coming Thursday. Here's the flyer with all the basics:

7pm at Epoch on North Loop. Have a coffee or other warm beverage (their hot chocolate goes great with a flask of whiskey) then go freeze your ass off with a bunch of other bike nuts on the chilly streets of Austin. Remember your lights!
I'm running the same route again this week, because I've been too busy with moving and cold weather to come up with anything better. I'm definitely accepting new route ideas, though - we've had requests for alternate starting points, including Caffe Medici and Bouldin coffee house, so show me what y'all have got! dksato (at symbol)