You are hereAlleycross Race #4 - gonna be starting a little earlier this week..

Alleycross Race #4 - gonna be starting a little earlier this week..

By Jason - Posted on 26 December 2008

By Jason - Posted on 26 December 2008

12/28/2008 - 7:00pm

Just got the news on this Sunday's alleycross race (fourth in the series). Here's what Brian has to say about it:

The race on Sunday.

I'm going to try something slightly different and start this one earlier, unless EVERYONE has beef with that. The sunset is at 5:40, so I was thinking that starting @ 7 might be alright. Any massive problems with that? It's going to be ridiculously nice again, from the looks of it. I've been promised a LOT of spectators, but we'll see. Bring people with night time photography skills! hehe Ok, here goes:

Cross Club race #4
Lamar Ped Bridge
7 PM
No bag, lock, pen, or white belt needed.
**Urban cyclocross style! This is not a road checkpoint race! Ride whatever bike you want, just don't expect to be on paved surfaces at all**

Questions answered:
Q: Where are the pics (if I'm not your buddy on Facebook)?
A: Here

Q: Are 23c tires acceptable for Sundays ride?
A: Well...I've said it before but here it is: I will hold out for as long as I can to use my "real" courses until either the weather gets real shitty or I figure out a good way to *make* it shittier on the trail, it will be Hike n Bike, with some running. Understand that when I DO create some weather, that weather will likely be rain. Point being? Don't wear your Sunday best to one of my races. You will get filthy at some point, I promise!

Questions I have for you:

Q: Where is everyone?

Q: Where's all the ladies?

Q: Does anyone have nighttime and/or action photography skills? I could use them, for sure. So far the pics have been sub-par. Well, the ones that Chris took last time were REALLY cool, just not so much if you want to know who you're looking at. hehe The pre-start pic was really beautiful though...

Q: Victor! Your buddy Alecs email addy got screwed up somewhere between his mouth and my keyboard. Can you send it to me? Thanks

That's all I've got for now.

If you know the answers to Brian's questions, let him know. Man I'm getting homesick. Hope y'all have fun out there this Sunday! 7pm on the Lamar pedestrian bridge. Bring your friends so they can cheer and jeer!

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