You are hereBrace yourselves, the Austin bicycle political scene is about to get busy.

Brace yourselves, the Austin bicycle political scene is about to get busy.

By Jason - Posted on 27 January 2009

By Jason - Posted on 27 January 2009

Rob D'Amico of the League of Bicycling Voters is moving full steam ahead with his "Project Catapult" initiative. Last week he concluded part one of the Project Catapult survey, and this week he's on to the second (and final) part, which further clarifies what we as citizens of Austin feel are our top priorities regarding bicycle facilities and routes. Please fill out the survey, it only takes a few minutes and it lets your opinions be known to one of this towns biggest bicycle advocacy organization and instrument of change. Last survey had about 80 people submit it, so every voice really does count in a big way. Get on that thing, you've got until Thursday. According to Rob there's going to be a big bicycle community event happening on the 31st that relates to Project Catapult, but the time and location of the event is currently a closely guarded secret (ok it says "TBA").

In other biking politics news, these guys LOVE Chris Riley, and with good reason! Even though I didn't make it out to the event (and am kicking myself because of the fact) everything I've seen, read, or heard has been overwhelmingly positive. Chris' campaign has been sending out a lot of great info to "New Media producers" (Yes that's what they called me. Bastards) about the latest developments in his City Council race, here's what they sent yesterday. I'm publishing it today because I'm lazy fashionably late:

January 26, 2009

Katherine Haenschen
512-850-9607 /

Riley Campaign Launch Draws Huge Crowd
Over 250 Attendees Pack Threadgill's

Austin, Texas – Over 250 Austinites turned out Friday night for the official launch of Chris Riley's Campaign for Austin City Council Place 1. The event, at Threadgill's World Headquarters, drew folks from across the city eager to hear Riley's solutions to the problems currently facing Austin. "I'm excited to have such a tremendous outpouring of early support from so many communities here in Austin," stated Riley. He noted many in the audience whom he has known for decades.

Riley spoke about his platform of repairing the economy and environment together, improving transportation, and preserving Austin's character:
"We need to create green jobs. We need to reduce our dependence on cars, and promote alternate forms of transportation. And we need to make sure that Austin lives up to the things we expect it to be: a place that provides secure homes to people across the economic spectrum; a place with a great arts and music scene; and place with a rich history that prides itself on tending to the needs of our whole ecosystem and all of its inhabitants."

In addition to Riley, speakers included neighborhood and parks advocate Ted Siff, campaign treasurer Catherine Mauzy, and League of Bicycling Voters president Rob D'Amico. Mauzy emphasized her close ties to Riley, who worked under her father Oscar Mauzy as a staff attorney at the Texas Supreme Court.

The event indicates strong early support for Riley's candidacy. In addition to the over 250 attendees at the kick-off, Riley's public supporter list now includes over 500 names, and is available on his website:

# # #

Great stuff y'all. I also wanted to publish a few snippets from a correspondence I recieved from Chris Riley's Field Director, that lay out a few volunteer opportunities coming up in the relatively near future for all of y'all. are some tentative dates on bike related activities for our campaign.

We'd like a big free bicycle rally event to happen on Friday March 6th or Saturday 7th. We'd also like to have Bike the Vote volunteer days on the second saturdays of every month during the campaign. And also a car-less canvass on Saturday March 28th where people would gather in one spot and then go to different neighborhoods by bike and knock on doors for Chris...

...right now I'm getting people together to form a hosting/steering committee for all the bike activities...

Freaking AWESOME! I know I'll be out there in March, barring the release of some scathing video of Chris kicking a cyclist when he was down or something, but I don't think either of his opponents is going to be able to turn that up by the election.

Oh yeah almost forgot, this guy (hahaha) linked the shit* out of ATXBS yesterday morning, including mentioning the Viking Ride coming up this Friday. Expect to see more than the usual number of bleeding heart liberals progressive democrats on their bikes, probably wearing fake fur and responsibly abstaining from the mead before the ride. Odin would be rolling in his grave, if he wasn't already off leading the wild hunt.

* No really, four times in one article.

Thanks for the entertainment. ;)

"kind of a big deal so I guess this is a good thing"

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