You are hereFeedback from the community regarding James Clayton, or, if you're a bike thief be prepared to be punched in the face!

Feedback from the community regarding James Clayton, or, if you're a bike thief be prepared to be punched in the face!

By Jason - Posted on 04 February 2009

By Jason - Posted on 04 February 2009

Looks like several of the local forums and blogs have picked up the James Clayton story. Check it out:

Bike Mojo (local mountain biker forums) has definitely been the most active, and includes several alleged victims in their posting body. Page two gets really good, and includes this gem: "This guy better not get away from the cops anytime soon, they will find him IMPALED on a bike frame, hanging from a tree somewhere down on the greenbelt." I love these guys.

TXBRA (a roadie racer forum) also has a thread on the topic. Since high-end road bikes are allegedly James' bread-and-butter, I'm somewhat surprised there's not more action in here.

Austin Bike Blog is carrying the story, and has some activity in their comments section regarding bike thieving. They also have some great information about properly locking your bike.

There's also been some rather enlightening conversation in several of the private club forums/message boards around town, and a good friend of mine sent me the following image he whipped up to express his feelings on the matter:

I'm loving this. Bike thieves, obviously we don't cotton to your kind around these parts. Take this as your friendly official notice to kindly get the fuck out of town. As this arrest has proven, the cops DO care about bike thieves, and if this guy is to be believed and you're a bike thief who keeps doing what your kind do, you better hope the cops get to you before we do. You've been warned.

Oh and James, I know it probably goes without saying but I'm officially rescinding my offer to buy you a beer. (Alleged) Bike thieves are amongst the lowest level of scumbag fathomable, right down there with child molesters and people who talk at the theater. I know I'm a scummy dude and all, but I just can't be seen acquainting myself with people of that status. Sorry dude. No hard feelings?

Velonews is reporting Team Barloworld had 21 bikes stolen overnight at their training camp in Tuscany. Most of the team is S.O.L for training and racing right now as their was only one bike for each team member.


Elliott from Austin On Two Wheels

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