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Kids on 8th St... between Congress & Brazos!
I'm sure that all are pretty tired of the Fixed gear rants on here, me too, let the kids have there scene. (BUT...) This rant is specifically about the two inexperienced pieces of fixed gear snot that hang out on 8th between Congress and Brazos, (the skinny little white kid with glasses and silver frame baby blue back wheel and white areo front, and the kid with the blue bianchi pista with red areo front and back, white tires.) You kids hang out there everyday for hours and most of the time its during rush hour, practicing tricks, and riding up the hill into oncoming traffic (Smart), trying to be the cool little scene kids, thats fine I'm not going to bash, if you want to act like a TOOLS thats fine with me. Yesterday was the first day I actually stopped and watched you two in action for an extended amount of time, and you both look like you are fairly new to the fixed gear bicycle, which is great I'm glad your on a bike! But, just because you have watched MASH 200 times and got cool new bike does not mean your Mr. Downtown Above the Establishment Fixie Dude, it takes lots of time and practice, allot of practice that is not downtown during rush hour! Please kids find some other place or time to practice your no handed skids (baby blue wheel kid made me laugh when he did one, it sucked bad ) I'm pretty sure that the dude that just worked 8 hours at his shitty desk job is in any mental state to watch out for some punk kid who is trying to make a scene. If you want to make a scene avoid downtown for 3 months and find a place to practice, and practice hard, get good, this will make you cool. Then have your fun downtown when your a more experienced rider. I tell you all of this from experience, I've been there, way before it became a scene, been hit by cars (ouch) I know the feeling of what you think cool is. So take all of this as advice don't be douche's, learn how to handle your machine before you hurt yourself, because right now there is nothing COOL about you two, its like watching retards dance, people laugh at you.