You are hereArt Seen Alliance Presents: BMX Bandits Bike-in Movie!
Art Seen Alliance Presents: BMX Bandits Bike-in Movie!
02/18/2009 - 8:00pm
Look what just showed up in my email box this morning:
Art Seen Alliance is cranking up the FREE Bike-In Film screenings again this Wednesday, Feb 18th at 8pm with a screening of BMX Bandits (Nicole Kidman’s first starring role) at the United States Art Authority @ Spider House. See for more info and to view the trailer. Free popcorn while supplies lasts.
Oh damn! Last time they did this they showed Rad, and now they're following it up with the classic BMX flick from down under: BMX Bandits!

Sweet Jesus look at that perm
Be at Spider House at 8pm to check it out. Free popcorn!