You are hereCritical Mardi Gras... er... Mass!
Critical Mardi Gras... er... Mass!
The biggest ride of them all is coming up with a quickness! Critical Mass, now in its' 11th year has become a HUGE thing as of late. When I say huge I mean 400+ riders, keg parties afterwards, and the best rush hour cruise you can imagine. If you've never been a part of it I urge you to go check it out. 5:00pm on the UT West Mall, Friday the 27th is the place to be. If you've ever been before, then I don't have to even tell you how rad this ride is. You've got 5 days, so get amped!
Update 2: We now have a theme for this month's ride: MARDI GRAS!
Update: We've got a special request this Critical Mass! One of our regular riders was badly injured last month, and is in need of a trailer or trike to haul him around in. He's got people to do the hauling, all he needs is the mode of transport! Check the comments section to see his request, and if you can help him out let him know.
does anyone know if there is a theme for this one?
Nah, we just kinda make it up as we go...
though I love Justin's suggestion. February theme: TITS!
show em if ya got um
fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.
Anyone have a trailer I can borrow for critical mass? Got into an accident and can't ride, but a friend volunteered to haul me through friday rush hour.