You are hereLove Stinks race report and photos, brought to you by someone else...
Love Stinks race report and photos, brought to you by someone else...
For those of you who know me all personal-like, you know this has been a crazy week in my life. I haven't been able to make it out to the majority of the events, but thankfully all of y'all have been showing up in THRONGS and representing the ATX bike crew with a vengance! Les managed to make it out to the race and out of over 60 (60?!? SWEET JEEBUS!) riders, he finished in 13th place (click for his race report). Not bad for a fatty with a busted back and broken leg. ;)
James was also on the scene with his camera, snapping photos and being an all-around badass. From the sound of things besides over 40 miles of racing and some 30+mph wind gusts, there was a lot of this going on:

JK and Matty B stuntin', photo by James
Hop spin (don't remember this cat's name), photo by James
There are a lot of other good pics (including some 9th St. bidness) in his photostream, but if you don't take the time to peruse the collection, at least check this panoramic shot of the event. FUCKING SICK! I demand more photos of events from you in the future, James. You shoot good shit.
does anyone have any more photos?
the Ginger kid is AJ from College Station