You are hereThe UFL (Unicycle Football League) is coming to Austin THIS SUMMER!
The UFL (Unicycle Football League) is coming to Austin THIS SUMMER!
This weekend I played some bike polo and was feeling pretty badass about it, but then I saw this posting in the ATXBS forums that put me in my place...
Unicycle Football Teams Recruiting in Austin
This summer, two teams will form in Austin Tx, as an extension of the UFL in San Marcos Tx. One team is nearly full. (Russia) The other team (The Knuckle Sandwhiches) will need a full roster. We are seeking individuals that want to play football on unicycles. No unicycle experience necessary. We also get unicycles for super cheap. If yer interested you can email Marcus at
Check out our website or our myspace page. We have 5 months to prepare and play our first UFL game against established San Marcos Teams.
Freaking AWESOME! If this piques your interest (and I know quite a number of you are unicyclists so I'm sure a few'll be down) let Marcus know, and he'll get you started. If you want more info, check out their website, but this is what to expect...

(click for pics and videos)
The kids down in San Marcos have been at this for 2 seasons already, and the 3rd Season is going to be Austin's entry into the league, so lets get it together and show those SM punks how we do in the 512 ATX(BS). Heh, guess they're in the 512 also...
well i see it'll be some 5, 10 odd years before you austin sissies get up enough courage to start a team,our exibition games must have really startled you enought to go hide somewhere, ya may have one halfway brave guy there, and if there is, he will come here to play on one our teams because clearly it is hopeless yall will ever start ..c'mon if ya dare you sissified panzies ,(keep austin weird in yer pannies) ,hahaha unreal...and come up against the real deal teams we have here..YOURS TRULY, THE UFL REF,
> and show those SM punks how we do in the 512.
... those SM punks are in the 512 too!
Perhaps we should try to represent for the ATX instead.
Dammit Doug, you're always on me like a hawk, keeping me honest. lol