You are hereThursday Night Road Ride #14 - Pizza and pain!

Thursday Night Road Ride #14 - Pizza and pain!

By Jason - Posted on 03 March 2009

By Jason - Posted on 03 March 2009

03/05/2009 - 7:00pm

Ok all you fast folks, it's time to get geared up for another episode of the Thursday Night Road Ride! They managed to survive the dreaded Ride #13 and are now into their 14th go-round:

With the seasons changing and the Driveway Crits starting up again, the time is going to be changing to 7:30pm next week, but make sure you're there at 7 on Thursday, otherwise you're going to miss 'em. Bring flashies, and on these rides a helmet's never a bad idea. Protects the brain from the corrupting rays of all that tubular training wheels talk that Daniel's always going on about...

I just put new training wheels on my carbon trek... now i won't fall over!

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