You are hereThursday Night Road Ride #15 - Times changed, rides the same!

Thursday Night Road Ride #15 - Times changed, rides the same!

By Jason - Posted on 11 March 2009

By Jason - Posted on 11 March 2009

03/12/2009 - 7:45pm

I got this one sent to me late last night but with the Full Moon Cruise and all (which was INTENSE) I didn't get it posted in a timely fashion. Speaking of timely, the time of the ride has changed to accomedate the driveway crits, but the location and the ride style are still the same:

7:45pm at Drungo Ice House. Bring lights, and a brain bucket might not be too bad of an idea either since it's gonna be dark and possibly slippery (if the drizzle continues).

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