You are hereFucking Fantastic Free Festival at Fast Folks! - Tomorrow!
Fucking Fantastic Free Festival at Fast Folks! - Tomorrow!
BJ handed me a flyer for this event last Saturday night but what with all the dancing and riding and crashing and such the flyer disappeared. Never fear, fair people of Austin! Utilizing my finely honed powers of INTERNET I've located another copy...

For the small text-deficient, the flyer says:
2:00pm The Durbervilles (Canada)
2:40pm Astronaut Suit (Austin)
3:00pm Cuntwise Moana (Austin)
3:30pm Smoke and Feathers(Austin)
4:00pm Black Diamond Heavies
4:30pm Prayer for Animals (Austin)
5:00pm DD/MM/YYYY (Canada)
5:30pm Shake It Like a Caveman (TN)
6:00pm Thomas Function (Kansas)
6:30pm Your 33 Black Angels (Brooklyn)
7:00pm Haunting Oboe Music (Austin)
7:30pm Golden Animals (California)
8:00pm Lower Heaven (California)
8:30pm Woven Bones (Austin)
9:00pm Cartright (Austin)
9:30pm Teeners (Austin)
10:00pm Fiasco (New York)
10:30pm The American Sharks (Houston)
11:00pm The Roller (Austin)Fast Folks Cyclery
2513 A. East 6th St.Wednesday March 18th.
FREE Show! Bring your own weed!
Don't forget your weed!
Utilizing my finely honed powers of INTERNET I've located another copy...
---yes sir