You are hereBanana Pudding, boobs, booze... long live the Midnight Ridazz!
Banana Pudding, boobs, booze... long live the Midnight Ridazz!
Last night was nuts. Though there were only two bar stops besides Donn's Depot and the final destination, the Midnight Ridazz still managed to cover a decent bit of ground by bike, with only a few minor mishaps (and one wheel taco) along the way. Stopping in at Uncle Billy's and Rio Rita was a blast, as they didn't seem to know what to do with 60+ bikers in wrestling masks and tights ordering alcohol. Hopefully everyone tipped heavy and made the servers' evenings a little better. Doug was on the scene taking a whole shit-load of pictures so that the less sober riders could have a better chance at remembering the insanity. Check out a few of my faves:

Ridazz assembling at Donn's Depot, around 9:30pm.
Who is that masked man in the Tour de Cure shirt? OneLesCar, that's who! Thanks for hosting the after-party, Les.
Midnight Ridazz roll deep!
Ridazz hanging out, shortly after making a wheel taco.
That banana pudding was NARSTY!
Moon bounce battle royale, seconds before I jumped over the top!
The brutal aftermath: a busted moon bounce and a bunch of sticky, near-nekkid Midnight Ridazz.
There are plenty of dirtier ones if you do some digging, but I'm not gonna make it easy on you. That was the best Midnight Ridazz crawl I've ever been on, and now that it's over it means that we have a whole month to anticipate the next ride. Want to know the theme? Do ya? Ah, fuck the suspense...
Now all I need is some blue body paint and a pair of cut-offs. This is gonna be ridiculous.
P.S. The location of Death By Bike Fest has been announced. Be prepared for DEATH and/or GLORY.
....feeling it today....
~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst