You are herePink: a (love) Courier Service - Back in Austin this April!
Pink: a (love) Courier Service - Back in Austin this April!
The weather's getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and Spring is officially in the air, folks! I'm sure some of y'all remember the Pink : A (Love) Courier Service art installation that's been happening locally for the past couple years around springtime. Well it looks like they're back again for 2009 as part of the Austin Art Alliance's Art city Austin event.
Last time we heard from these kids was for a fundraiser last Summer so they could launch the program in Chicago, and it looks like they survived the excursion since they're back for more. If you want to send a loved one a note, they'll be set up downtown at City Hall From April 24th through the 26th. Their hours vary by day, so here's the official schedule: Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 10am-11pm, Sunday 11am-6pm.

Write a note or deliver one, you can do either!
They're also looking for volunteers to deliver, design and write love notes. If you think you have the skills to do so, please contact the Pink Courier peoples. If you want to know more about Jaclyn Pryor (the driving force behind this project, check out her website. Thanks for doing this again y'all! I love this shit.