You are hereNow accepting Paypal donations (for Yellow Bike Project)

Now accepting Paypal donations (for Yellow Bike Project)

By Jason - Posted on 01 April 2009

By Jason - Posted on 01 April 2009

Since all the cool kids are doing it, I figured it was high-time to shill my popularity and get some money flowing! Only since it's April 1st (and I play the fool 365 days a year), I'm doing things a little differently: 100% of all donated monies go STRAIGHT to Yellow Bike Project. In fact, rather than set up my own BS front to collect the money and skim a slice off the top, I'm going to piggyback off of their paypal link so that I don't even have to bother with the dollars and cents.

Goal: $250,000 | Raised: $162,000

Donate Online:

Donate By Mail:
Make checks to Yellow Bike Project and mail to: 1307 Leona St, Austin, TX, 78702

As of this morning ATXBS been doing what we do for a year, six months, and three days, and I've never asked for ONE RED CENT from y'all, but now it's time. If you enjoy our posts and feel like buying us a beer or some schwag, fuck off and give your money to Yellow Bike instead! Ponder these factoids: According to YBP's Webberville Site page they've raised 162k of the required 250k needed to build the building. That leaves a deficit of around 88k. We're regularly getting 17k+ UNIQUE visitors a month, and most of y'all drink Lone Star. By the dozen. If HALF of y'all skipped your next Lone Star 12-pack (appx $9.07 after tax at Specs) and donated the money to YBP instead, they'd be less than 10 grand shy of their goal, and if the other half of you only gave ONE DOLLAR EACH, even that amount would be covered! GET ON IT FOLKS! I want THIS by Summertime. Give it to me.

P.S. If you DO give them money because of some stupid shit I did, mention ATXBS in the "notes" section of the donation.

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