You are hereBicycle Advisory Council Meeting - DO EET!
Bicycle Advisory Council Meeting - DO EET!
The Bicycle Advisory Council meets the third Thursday of every month at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Road in the 8th floor conference room from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. What goes down in this room is nothing short of a meeting of the greatest cycling minds this city has to offer. I kid you not, these people are bike riding dynamos. I count myself lucky to get to hang around such awesome folks. Many of them have been fighting the good fight for bike equality in Austin for over a decade, and have the scars to prove it. The meetings lately have been especially lively due to all the discussion over the impending Bicycle Master Plan update, and this meeting in particular will be special due to the BAC having 3 vacant positions, plus next month being the Official City of Austin-approved Bike Month (yay). If you think you're up to the task, you should click the aforementioned link and submit an application. If nothing else, there's always free coffee (thanks Juan Pelota's!)