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Wow, talk about good timing. More incredible Full Moon Cruise photos by the one-and-only Dougmc in his April 2009 Full Moon Cruise gallery, so go check them out if you missed the ride or if your memories of the event are somewhat hazy for some reason or other.
The full moon cruise was GNARLY, but in only the best of ways. Lots of carnage, crashes, and good times aplenty. Unfortunately at one point we had to call an ambulance for a lady who face planted and damaged her teeth, and near the end a brave soul took a spill over some railroad tracks, but I believe every other crash victim was able to ride away. The ride wound through downtown, stopped at the Frank Erwin Center, then headed up to Highland Mall and into the Triangle, which was a whole lot of fun until some nosy security guard in a cheezy yellow shirt called the cops on us. When we were leaving some prick that lives in The Triangle chucked a few bottles at us, which delayed the ride for a few moments while everyone yelled "FUCK YOU!" in unison at the offender. What a dick. After that it was back to the east side where we belong for a 3am kegger at the pedicab shop. There was a really great crowd that showed up for this cruise, most estimates I heard put it at over 200 but I wasn't counting. True to its' Native American name (Pink Moon), we had quite a crowd of pink-attired riders, including a whole crew of pink pirates. City Council Candidate (and bike advocate extraordinaire) Chris Riley even showed up and rode the majority of the cruise with us, and I was glad to see that the guy who won that awesome cargo bike at the SXSW Bike Hugger event was rocking it, dog and ice cold brews in tow. Nice! One of the things I've always loved about the Full Moon Cruise is how much people enjoy seeing us pass, as opposed to the more antagonistic vibe that sometimes manifests at Critical Mass. Not a slight against the people who ride or drive then, just that rush hour traffic seems to upset people in a way that heading home from the bar at 2am doesn't.
FREAKING AWESOME RIDE DAMON! It's been a monthly occurrence for 2 years now with him at the helm, piloting his portable moon. In that time there have been 54 men who have crashed and 8 women, not counting the crashes last night. C'mon ladies, you can do better than that!
I sprained both ankles and wrists,popped a tire,and fucked up my headset on those tracks.
Yeah, those are the tracks over which ex-mayor Bruce Todd cracked his skull and thereby tried to force everyone in Austin to wear a helmet through his mandatory helmet laws. Good thing the super heroes of the LOBV were looking out for our interests back then too.
... do trains EVER take them? If the answer is no, perhaps it's time to fill them in/pave over them? How many people have to be hurt? Stop the carnage!
I think the commuter rail is going to use them. to be fair they did have these large bump reflector things to keep people out, but I did not notice them until i was inside with the tracks.
Man, my dome came about 2 inches from hitting that pole -- can't wait to see the footage! Special thanks to everyone who stopped for me, I didn't realize how many people there were until I saw Doug's pictures.
I picked up a pair of black rimmed glasses during the chaos of the crash near the railroad tracks. If anybody knows the bespectacled red-headed girl who took a spill last night -- please feel free to call Garrett at 832-721-9830.
Man, that red headed girl made me feel like charly brown every time I looked at her on the ride, and then I rode up on her crash. I shore hope she's ok.